October 29, 2016

Mr. Dave Archambault II, Chairman
Mr. Steve Sitting Bear, External Affairs Director
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
PO Box D, Bldg #1, N. Standing Rock Avenue
Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538


Dear Honorable Chairman Archambault, Mr. Sitting Bear and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe,

Oloshas United, an international group of Orisha worshipers in the Yoruba, Lukumi, Santeria, Chango and Candomble traditions, express our support and solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux in your struggle to end construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through your sacred lands and waterways. We lend our voices in calling for clean water, protection of sacred lands, recognition of the sovereignty and treaty rights of the Standing Rock Sioux, respect for your human rights, as well as the rights of the Earth, Onile.

We believe water is life. Water is sacred. Water is the first medicine. We are grateful for the stand that you have taken and the dignity with which you have conducted your resistance against colonial violence, oil-profiteering, and the culture of death; withstanding attack dogs, pepper spray, mace, rubber bullets, smoke and sound cannons, militarized police and mass arrests, with your words, bodies and prayers. We condemn, in the strongest terms, the violations of human and religious freedom rights committed against the water protectors.

We call on President Obama and Secretary Jewell to honor the treaty rights of all Tribal Nations and to act now to protect the drinking water of millions. The Army Corps of Engineers should rescind all permits and stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

May the divinity Ochun guide and protect you. May the ancestors strengthen and encourage you. Our hearts are bound with yours, as we send ache, love, prayers and medicine to you during this critical moment.
Please let us know how we can help. We can be reached on our facebook page